Sakralitas Virtual: Menemukan Makna Sakral dalam Ibadah Jumat Virtual

Paelani Setia


This paper discusses a sacred dimension in virtual worship. The emergence of virtual worship attracts a discussion both from Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) and academic perspective concerning the religious experience. Focusing on Jumat Virtual prayer, this article argues that congregation participated in virtual worship experiences a sacredness. The sacred experience fashioned as a result of two conditions. First, an engagement and togetherness in virtual worship. Second, a continuity of participation in virtual worship. Those two conditions contribute to intensifying a sacred experience of the participated congregation in virtual worship. To earn data concerning with sacred experiences, this research employs qualitative method with phenomenological approach that aims to reveal sacred experience of the member of congregation. The objectives of the article is to observe sacred and profane dimension in Jumat Virtual prayer, to reveal boundaries of sacred and profane in the virtual worship, and to discern sacred meaning in Jumat Virtual prayer.


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